
I've just started this brand new blog September 22 2014 as a comprehensive list of toys that are either dangerous or disturbing. Consider it a safety warning to take these toys away from your Children, or just be ghoulish and read through to see how you could have injured yourself mentally or physically as a Child. Please be patient as I add entries, this will be ongoing. Thanks so much for coming by!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Slip 'N Slide

What Is It?

Created in 1961 this toy is a long strip of plastic with a tube that attaches to a garden hose.  Once lubricated Kids would slide down this plastic into a barrier.

What Happened?

Although pretty much safe for Children...the issue is that adults try to use these too.  Adults are heavier and larger as one can imagine...and once impact has been made into the barrier severe injuries have occured (7 teenagers and 1 adult between 1973-1991). Spinal trauma, fractures and back injuries were the usual culprits for Adult injuries.


The CPSC issued further warnings that this toy was not to be used beyond a certain age/size.



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