
I've just started this brand new blog September 22 2014 as a comprehensive list of toys that are either dangerous or disturbing. Consider it a safety warning to take these toys away from your Children, or just be ghoulish and read through to see how you could have injured yourself mentally or physically as a Child. Please be patient as I add entries, this will be ongoing. Thanks so much for coming by!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cabbage Patch Kids Snacktime Kids

What Is It?

Of course Cabbage Patch Kids have been around the '80s, and they've been a popular toy with Children for many a year.  Around 1996 Mattel released a new model of this doll called "Snacktime Kid".  The idea was you could feed the doll plastic food items, and it would then get munched by one-way metal rollers and the plastic food item would discreetly exit through a slot in the doll's backpack. 

What Went Wrong?

Well...think about the idea of putting items in a dolls mouth that has a "one way roller"...., and I should also mention that this particular doll did not have an "on/off" button.  In other words...this beast of a doll would happily chew on oh say fingers or various body parts but the real issue here was hair. 


 In January of 1997 (oh yes right after Christmas) Mattel issued a recall for these unrelenting chompers after many reports of children being partially scalped.  They were pulled from the market, never to see the light of day again.



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